Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pollution is probably the worlds biggest threat, there are many forms of pollution; ranging from air pollution to water pollution all as equally devastating.
I have only been observing pollution for a couple of weeks, but in that time I have realised the threat to humanity: GLOBAL WARMING so right now I'm giving you a global warning
do not make our planet like this picture on top. STOP POLLUTION FIND A SOLUTION!!
yours truly pollution group!

Some tips

Air pollution is usually caused by: using too much electricity, burning fuel and producing dangerous emissions such as carbon dioxide, which in turn ads to global warming and the destruction of the ozone layer.
Here are some helpful tips to reduce air pollution:

  1. turn off your electricity at the power point
  2. ride a bicycle or walk short distances instead of driving
  3. install solar heating panels if possible

Have a look at this site:


so remember these tips I hope they come in handy!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Don't make our countries look like this

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Carbon Dioxide Variations

the last 400,000 years
and the rapid rise since the

Indoor & Outdoor Air Pollution

When people think about air pollution, they usually think about smog and other forms of outdoor air pollution. Air pollution also exist inside homes and factories. It can, and every year, the health of many people is affected by chemical substances present in the air within buildings.

Industrial Pollution in Singapore

In recent years much of the air pollution in the Singaporean environment came directly from uncontrolled forest fires in Indonesia that burned an area several times larger than Singapore itself. The following pictures show that refineries and other industries also contribute to Singapore's spectacular evening skies and sunsets.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What are the major sources of air pollution?

The main sources of air pollution in Singapore are from the burning of fossil fuel for heat generation in industries, electricity generation and transportation.

The sources of air pollution can be grouped into three categories as follows:

  • stationary sources such as power stations, oil refineries and industries;
  • mobile sources such as motor vehicles; and
  • others such as open burning of waste materials and trans boundary air pollution.